Hare, There and Everywhere...
The first week of March sees the start of our recruitment drive for September 2015. Whilst 2015 may seem a long way off, the next few months will see the Marketing team clocking up the miles as they travel the length and breadth of the country generating further interest in the University's provision of undergraduate courses.
Our cycle of UCAS Higher Education Fairs begins on March 5th with a trip across the Irish Sea to Belfast and ends on July 4th with us heading south on the M6 to the University of Birmingham. In between, representatives of the University will have attended recruitment fairs as far as Cumbria and Tyneside in the North, and Kent and Cornwall in the South.
And all this, of course, should set us up nicely for our Spring Open Day on Saturday 7th June 2014. In the meantime, you might like to ensure you are doing the upmost to develop any course leads that may have been generated either on the road or from a prospectus request. Make sure you contact MRA for further details for how you can access our database of course leads.
...but what about the tortoise?
Of course, we all know the story of the hare and the tortoise, and that, despite how far ahead we might seem, we should never rest on our laurels. We must remember that, whilst March sees the start of the 2015 recruitment cycle, it's also a critical time of the year for our 2014 recruitment cycle.
With the majority of our applicants in the midst of deciding on their Firm and Insurance choices, now is the time to reach out and engage with these applicants also. This does, of course, highlight the significance of our Applicant Days but the importance of engaging with applicants throughout the entire recruitment process should also not be underestimated. Again, speak to MRA for tips and advice for how best to sustain and develop your relationship with your applicants. And, if you haven’t already done so, there is still time to submit your stories for your course e-newsletters.
Until my next hare-brained idea...
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